Sunday, April 29, 2012

String Of Pearls

This manicure was inspired by an upcoming trip to the bead store.  It's one of those manicures that I am surprised that I hadn't done before and really like now that it's on my fingers.  The vision in my mind coming to life on the nail.  That's always gratifying.

I painted three coats of Zoya Jolene for the base pink color.  The pearl beads are made from a mix of China Glaze White On White and Orly Au Champagne and use of a dotting tool.  I added silver detail with China Glaze Icicle.  I painted Seche Vite for the top coat.


  1. love it - this turned out really well xx

  2. Love, love these pearls. Would look cool against a black shimmery background, too!


iLove Polish