Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Seriously Pretty

I don't know what to name this manicure, but it was seriously so pretty. I couldn't have been more happy with the results.

I painted a base color of China Glaze Digital Dawn with two coats. I then sponged in the middle of the nail China Glaze DV8 and on the tips L8R G8R. On top I added Bundle Monster plate BM-203 with Konad Special Stamping Polish in Black and finished the look with one coat of Seche Vite.


  1. This makes me happy! Love it!

  2. Awww, this is cool!

  3. how about "rainbow trout"? :) I don't know why but it reminds me of a fish. glimmery and scaly (not in a bad way though)

  4. Yes, Alison, Rainbow Trout seems fitting!


iLove Polish