Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sensory Overload

This manicure was the result of a vague idea of a sort of patchwork manicure. I just started to paint freely random patches of colors and this is what the result was. Of course, then I took it one step further and added the loose glitter and on top of that added a glitter top coat. Needless to say, it was a very bright manicure but I'm not sure I loved the results--but that's what happens when you experience sensory overload.

As I said, I randomly painted small sections on my nail with the following colors: Zoya Breezi, Mira, Pippa and China Glaze Heli-Yum. I then added LA Splash Cosmetics Nail Glitter in Dry Ice to each nail and then one coat of Ulta Pinata-Yada-Yada. One coat of Seche Vite was used for my top coat.


  1. I love the colors on this one! :)

  2. Really cool! It looks like stained glass or a mosaic!

  3. I like it. I was last week thinking about making something like this, but I didn't know how to start...


iLove Polish