Friday, December 31, 2010

Top Ten Countdown

Since the new year is upon us and soon we will be counting down to 2011, I wanted to do a countdown of my own. I have done so many manicures in the past year+ and sometimes I forget what even I have done! So I thought to refresh my memory and yours, I'd let you know what my favorite manicures are: Each one has a link to the original post in case you want to check back or see how to get the look yourself!

#10: Copycat: Hot Off The Presses! So glad I copied this idea from Orly, it was a lot of fun! This manicure also got a lot of looks and compliments from other people. It's fun to let people know that they could go home and do something very similar and fun on their nails themselves!

#9: Prom 2010 It was clear that shoes were one of my inspiration points during the past year. This manicure was based on a pretty pair of vintage, 80's era shoes. I had a lot of fun sponging the different colors and trying to capture the different sheen and dimension of the shoe fabric. The end result was as good as camouflage.

#8: Christmas Time! This was one of the first Christmas manicures I did. It was a suggestion from a friend that I just ran with. It was so fun to figure out how to decorate my nails as different presents and it was such a fun Christmas manicure.

#7:Don't Forget The Fireworks This manicure is so colorful and wonderful, it really does remind me of fireworks.

#6: Stained Glass (for Ryah) This was one of those manicures I had forgotten I had done. After looking through my posts, I fell in love with this manicure all over again. So Beauty and the Beast. I also really like it when friends or followers give me ideas for manicures (and they turn out)

#5: The Eyes Have It This manicure is creepy, Eye know! I think that's why I love it. What I love about it most is the details in the eyes. I really tried to get the multi-tonal, multi-colored look of eyes, and as far as that coming out in the final product, I think it did.

#4: Double The Marble, Double The Pleasure I love marbling and have recently been hooked on adding dimension to marbling by using a single color plus a clear polish. And this manicure turned out perfectly!

#3: When Polish Isn't Enough--Fabric Manicure I was really happy when this manicure came to life and the idea I had in my head came to life on my nails. In fact, I think it was even better in real life!

#2: Groupie Surprise, Surprise! Another marble makes the list. This manicure was so sweet, so yummy and so sparkly. I truly loved it. Plus it reminds me I went to a Ludacris concert and that was amazing!

#1: Clutch Powers! and Santa's Little Helpers I'm listing two, but counting them as one based on theme. These, of course, are my favorite manicures. I mean, the what other label could I use but "Totally Awesome"? I'd like to come up with a better name for the two-finger, picture technique I used for these manicures, but I haven't found anything clever enough. By far my most detailed and IMHO creative manicure idea to date--all starting with my nephew's obsession with Legos and me trying to figure out how to make a manicure for him. The end result were two crazy, time-consuming manicures with very fun results!

So that's my list, are some of your favorites missing? I have to say it was hard to pick just 10!!!


  1. Shaky Hands McGee! No, but really, all of these are awesome! I forgot how much I love the Hot Off the Presses one! :)

  2. wow so many lovely designs i cant decide which one i like most you are so talented I'm jealous :D

  3. i LOVE all of them!!! how do you paint your nails w/ ur non dominant hand?? like the clutch powers and santa's little helpers manicures...i always hafta choose simple manicure designs or else my left hand willturn out pretty but my right hand looks terrible since i'm right handed

  4. im so glad i discovered your blog. i looove your designs!!


iLove Polish