Thursday, November 25, 2010

Let's Talk Turkey

It's Thanksgiving day here in the U.S. and a turkey theme is in order for this yearly celebration.  I only got one decent picture of this manicure, but I'm okay with that.  Not in love with the final look, but I like it and I do like the idea of turkey feathers.  Today I am thankful for many things, but posting this, I'm thankful to you who look kindly at my little blog and for the leisure time to paint my nails on a regular basis!!!

I coated three times with China Glaze Ingrid.  I then painted the arches of the feathers with Free Love and Ulta Angel Baby.  I added the feather lines with China Glaze Evening Seduction and coated with two coats of Seche Vite.  


  1. I knew you would have something for the holiday. Thanks for not disappointing. This is cool!

  2. I've been so anxious to see what you would do for Thanksgiving! Love what you decided on. I'll have to remember to reference back NEXT Thanksgiving!!!

  3. I am impressed by your creativity on so many posts.


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