Friday, October 1, 2010

Golden Weave

Ok.  So three weekends, three weddings.  This is the last that I am attending for the year (at least I think so).  I'm switching up the dress and going for a vintage, high waisted gold and black skirt--as briefly shown in the photos.  I'm very excited because I'm doing the bride's make up.  Maybe I should also express nervousness, but I am hopeful she will be completely beautiful with or without my help!

I first painted a base coat with Ulta Purple Reigns.  On top of that I painted one coat of China Glaze Sexy Silhouette.  I used Bundle Monster Plate BM20 placing Black Diamond as the base and Orly Luxe as the gold overlay.  I used one coat of Seche Vite to finish the look.


  1. Hi!

    I like your blog :) I am a new follower!
    Maybe you can follow me back?

  2. Ooo! I like that one! I really like the pinky/purple base color! Very pretty! Have fun at the wedding! :)

  3. Thanks guys. I really loved this manicure!

  4. This is awesome. I loved your dress, btw! Saw it in Erin's pics :-)

  5. Your nails and dress were perfect, and Megan's makeup (AND mine!) was flawless! AWESOME!


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