Threads frayed, time to move on. This manicure is the result of a failed design idea. When I first looked at the finished result, I thought I hated it. Then I woke up and looked at it in a new light--daylight, and it started to really grow on me. The colors in the Orly Cosmic FX collection are so multifaceted, your eyes are always drawn to them because they look different all the time based on lighting and angles. So out of failure comes something close to fabulous! I think I finally got decent pictures of these colors and their contrasting reflections. The last picture is in natural light and after the manicure had seen the whole day, so it's showing some tip wear.

I painted three coats of Galaxy Girl on two-thirds of my nail. On the other third, starting from the bottom to the top I painted It's Not Rocket Science, Space Cadet, and Lunar Eclipse all from the Cosmic FX collection. I painted one coat of Seche Vite on top.