Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Drive-by Butterflies

I've been seeing a ton of Monarchs here in MN.  So pretty.  In homage and because I got new clay decals from Sally's, here you go!

I used Essie Steel-ing The Scene.  So Easy Stripe Rite in Hot Blue and decals from Art Club Blue Denim.  Seche Vite was used for the top coat.


  1. I saw tons of butterflies on my way back home last Sunday. Craziness. butterfly in the sky...I can fly twice as high...

    love this.

  2. I wasn't aware of the butterfly population in MN! Learn something new every day :-)

    I bet this would be cool with bumble bees too.. but with a black & yellow effect.

  3. Aww your butterflies are adorable!

  4. I love those decals! Do they catch a lot?


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