Sunday, April 20, 2014

Cracking Up

It's time for my Easter manicure. I swear golden eggs were al the rage this year in Easter Egg dying. Since I don't dye eggs, I thought I'd make my own golden egg manicure. It was a bit of a hard concept to execute, but I think I like the results.  Anyway, hope those of you who are celebrating with family and friends are having a wonderful day!

I used Zoya Kerry for my base, two coats. I then sponged with several colors from China Glaze's Flourish Collection: Spring In My Step, Lotus Begin, Grass Is Lime Greener, Metro Pollen-Tin, Strike  A Rose. And then Factory Girl from Color Club. I sealed it with one coat of Seche Vite. Once fully dried I used tape that I had jagged cut on opposing sides, traced the edges with China Glaze Liquid Leather and then sponged the open "cracked egg" with China Glaze White on White.  I peeled the tape while still wet and it was done. I tried to mattify the golden part of the egg, but for whatever reason, my gold was impervious to matting. Probably used too many clear coats during the finishing process. Oh well.  Done.