Wednesday, January 1, 2014
To Fresh Starts and New Beginnings in 2014
I had a nice 2013, but I did a terrible job blogging via nails about it. I'm OK with that, but I do still wish there were more hours in a day and more motivation, on my part, to edit photos in order to continue higher volume content on this blog. Alas, that was not the case for 2013. I don't even feel I have enough photos of 2013 to do my top ten! But no more excuses or time for's 2014! I don't really believe in resolutions, but I do think that new year beginnings are a great time to reflect and plan and dream about what things can be accomplished or come to pass in the upcoming year. My friends have been coining 2014 as the year of fresh starts and new beginnings. This manicure reflects that thought. I have now been painting my nails with art, embellishments, glitter, decals, gemstones, decals and the like for around five years now. I've not had a traditional, one color on ten nails manicure in all that time. It's fun (yet at times creatively exhausting) trying to come up with new ideas, new combinations, perfecting form, learning new techniques, use of new mediums, watching nail polish trends and buying polish to add to my rather large collection. Painting nails continues to be one of my funnest hobbies and I continue to be very passionate about it. I think it is so great that there are so many fantastic artists out there for more inspiration. With all that said, I am a sucker for bright, bold, wild, glittery, shiny manicures. I can forget sometimes that simple is great. Bare is beautiful. Thus, I'm letting it all show. My hang nails, my cuticles, my dents, divots, peeling, discolored, natural nails are on display in my first manicure of 2014. This manicure is my allegory for my hope for us and new beginnings, fresh starts and a bit of hope that you see good things are possible in the new year. Cheers to you! Thanks for sticking with me.
Love this whole post, and the mani :)