Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Great Gatsby, Old Sport

I read the Great Gatsby in high school, but I have a terrible memory and couldn't tell you anything about it.....until a month ago when I became a tad obsessed.  My friends and I re-read the book to prepare for the movie coming out last Friday.  I love Baz Luhrmann's movies, and had such a fun time watching old Robert Redford movies and the current remake.  So, in honor, I tried to recreate the poster designs.  It was a tedious journey with a fabulous finish.  Well worth the obsession!

Here is a look at the 2013 Gatsby Design:

And in honor, my nails:

Left Hand:

Right Hand:

First I painted one coat of Zoya Richelle and one coat of Orly Luxe.  Once fully dried (and while I was waiting) I cut out small strips of striping tape.  I then placed every line and angle with individual tape to make the geometric designs.  I then painted two coats of China Glaze Smoke and Ashes.  Once that was dried, I carefully peeled the tape away.  Any mistakes were cleaned up free handed.  I used two coats of Seche Vite for a smooth and shiny look.


  1. cool. i want to try this with blue and gold!

  2. You did it, old sport! It's gorgeous!

  3. took me a few days but I finally realized that this was reminding me of Stryper. are you sure Ryan didnt influence your nails??


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