Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Great Gatsby, Old Sport

I read the Great Gatsby in high school, but I have a terrible memory and couldn't tell you anything about it.....until a month ago when I became a tad obsessed.  My friends and I re-read the book to prepare for the movie coming out last Friday.  I love Baz Luhrmann's movies, and had such a fun time watching old Robert Redford movies and the current remake.  So, in honor, I tried to recreate the poster designs.  It was a tedious journey with a fabulous finish.  Well worth the obsession!

Here is a look at the 2013 Gatsby Design:

And in honor, my nails:

Left Hand:

Right Hand:

First I painted one coat of Zoya Richelle and one coat of Orly Luxe.  Once fully dried (and while I was waiting) I cut out small strips of striping tape.  I then placed every line and angle with individual tape to make the geometric designs.  I then painted two coats of China Glaze Smoke and Ashes.  Once that was dried, I carefully peeled the tape away.  Any mistakes were cleaned up free handed.  I used two coats of Seche Vite for a smooth and shiny look.

Shine on Me!

I created this manicure in hopes of calling on the sun after our long winter.  And the day it debuted, it was glorious.  I am very much looking forward to the warmer weather (today it was a toasty 90+ degrees!).

I painted three coat of Zoya Arizona.  To the top, I added fuschia and copper-colored large hex glitter and smaller orange glitter from LA Splash Cosmetic in Lava Dust.  Seche Vite was my top coat.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


This is one of those image discs that I never thought I'd use.  I'm really not a huge butterfly fan and i thought it was a bit to childish for me (or maybe, too Mariah Carey).  But for whatever reason, I was in the mood for butterflies.  And, actually, I like the look much more than I thought I would--aways a good thing!

I painted three coats of China Glaze Aguadelic.  I added Bundle Monster plate BM205.  I used Konad Special stamping polish in White, Apple Green, Yellow, Coral Blue, Violet Pearl and Lavender.  One coat of Seche Vite was my top coat.


Spring has finally sprung here in MN.  This manicure was inspired by my obsession with watching my flowers peek through the dirt.

I painted a base three coats of China Glaze Fade Into Hue.  I added the grass designs with China Glaze In the Lime Light and Entourage.  Seedlings were China Glaze Surfin For Boys, Creative Fantasy, Solar Power.  Seche Vite was my top coat.