Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cosmic RIng

I couldn't let a sub-par return back into water marbling stop me. So I decided to give it another go with a fantastic piece of inspiration. I absolutely love this necklace made with a "Cosmic Ring" and subsequently LOVED this manicure. It almost wasn't working correctly marbling due to having problems finding the right color combo, plus my yellows weren't working properly. But then, I substituted my neon and it was fabulous! I'm including the inspiration in the shot so you understand how pretty this ring is.

Left Hand:

Right Hand:

Cosmic Ring:

I painted three coats of China Glaze Cheers To You. I marbled with China Glaze Ahoy!, Free Love, Celtic Sun, Grape Pop and Zoya Mira. I topped the marble with one coat of CND Super Shiney.


  1. I've been waiting for this one!!! So so so awesome!

  2. very cool. very corinne-ish. :)

  3. The manicure is amazing, of course, but what totally blows my mind is the shot you got of the actual cosmic ring. Those suckers are hard to photograph! Nice work.

  4. That is one of the coolest water-marbeling jobs I have seen...beautiful!

  5. I adore this! Fantastic color combo and fantastic marbling.. I can't stop looking at it.. hah..
    And I like you included the ring so we could see the resemblance :)

  6. This color combination is just amazing! I love how vibrant they all are!

  7. Very Groovy Baby YEAH!! LOL Of all the water marble manis I have seen... this is by far my fav!! Love the color combos - gorgeous!!

  8. I love this polish art you did Corinne!!



  9. Ohhh so pretty! I wish I could water marble as good as you!

  10. That looks fantastic, the colours and marbling are brilliant. Also, tagged you with a blog award thingy and a cup of tea over at Konad Abuse (links in the profile).

  11. OH gosh, I really really LOVE this one!

  12. Hi, just found your blog. Wooow, this is amazing!! I found your water decal video tutorial, will have to give it a go when I have some time. I'm quite new to nail art. Would love if you would check out my blog, I have posted just a few nail designs so far!


  13. Wow this came out beautifully!


iLove Polish