Monday, March 7, 2011

Gray Sparkle Crackle

Sometimes laziness prevails. I apologize. I have been painting my nails per usual, but I haven't had the energy to post. Unfortunately my laziness has also transfered into pictures as you can see some major tip wear in these photos as I took them after a day of wear (but to my credit, crackle creates tip wear automatically by shrinking polish). But having a blog demands getting over my laziness!!!! So here is my first of several posts....

I painted my nails first with two coats of Zoya Harley then when still wet, I applied LA Splash Nail Glitter in Golden Egg. I sealed the glitter with a coat of clear nail polish and then used China Glaze Crackle in Cracked Concrete. I finished the look with one coat of Seche Vite.

1 comment:

  1. Okay so it kind f reminds me of sparkling elephant skin! I like it though.


iLove Polish