Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Marble Hearts

This will be my last Valentine's day manicure (well at least before the day). I have each of my days planned as I'm getting ready for vacation, so time's up! I think this marble turned out pretty well. The hearts may not be too obvious on every nail, but when I say "hearts", you see hearts. As a marble, it was a bit difficult and due to my perfectionist nature, I did re-do a few nails after final inspection, but 14 marbles for 10 nails isn't too bad! I hope you all have someone to share some love with this V-day--whether it be a partner, a friend, a mom, a brother, a pet or a pillow!

Right Hand:

Left Hand:


I painted a base for the marble with two coats of Zoya Jolene, then used the same color plus China Glaze Salsa in order to "marble" the hearts. I sealed the look with one coat of CND Shiny.


  1. This is so cute!! Love the marble heart idea!!! ^_^

  2. this is just lovely!!! happy valentines! enjoy your vacation :)

  3. OH WOW!!! That looks beautiful!! So creative!

  4. Wow! How long did it take you to capture those heart shapes correctly?

  5. how wonderful!!!! i totally want to do a valentines water marble.

  6. Thanks guys! @kari--the marbling wasn't too hard. I did some practice marbles to see if it was possible and was satisfied with this design. Maybe I'll include some pictures of the marble process.


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