Sunday, January 30, 2011

Winter's Gray

I haven't marbled in a while, and thought it was time. I first thought I would just marble in a color theme, but when colors weren't cooperating, I went a different route. This manicure is a bit muted and totally fitting for the winter season that always seems it is never ending. Cold, snow, cold, snow and repeat. But even in our monotonous routine, there are pretty things to be found!

Right Hand:

Left Hand:

I first painted a base with two coats of China Glaze White on White. Then I marbled with Light As Air, Awaken, Swing Baby and OPI Brand New Skates. I sealed the marble with two coats of Seche Vite.


  1. i like the color theme on your mani, muted colors but still very pretty and classy. :)

  2. Is that some pink in there? That's what makes it for me.

  3. I really like this water marble! Thats funny I just water marbled last night! :)

  4. As always...I love your marbling! Great job!


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