Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Purple Lace

I know I have been behind in posting. Rest assured, my nails have been polished ;) I just have been either busy or lazy. And this weekend I was totally caught up in baby birthdays and book reading. So I'm going to catch you up with the manicure that is currently on my hands. I'm patiently waiting for my three free Zoya polishes to come in the mail and I'm hoping that by wearing a color it will speed up this process.

I coated with three coats of Zoya Mimi and used Konad image disc m69 with China Glaze Millennium to create the lace look. I coated once with Seche Vite.


  1. My zoya polish came in the mail today. I got some cool colors. I love your nails today!

  2. I really like this purple! I like how you only put the lace half way on your nail it looks very clean! :)


iLove Polish