Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Swirl

I wanted to do a marble with some of the seasonal colors I have acquired. I very much like how this turned out. I'm not sure if the pictures depict how well the red pops in the manicure. It's pretty

Right Hand:

Left Hand:

I painted two coats of China Glaze Peace On Earth. The colors I chose to marble with were L8R G8R, Zoya Sarah, Sally Hansen Diamond Strength in Flawless. I alternated between color and clear polish during the marble so I could let the under color show through. I topped the manicure with one coat of Seche Vite.


  1. I love the gold in the green! Looks awesome.

  2. Wow! I love these colors together!

  3. I love the colors on this one!

  4. Oooohm, this turned out super gorgeous! Love the colors!

  5. Neat always I'm in awe of your marbling skills!


iLove Polish