Thursday, November 4, 2010

Just A Spoonful Of Glitter

I am behind on posting and owe you some manicures!  I had fun doing Halloween themed nails, but I have been patiently waiting to try my new Zoya polishes from their Fire and Ice collection.  So both of these manicures focus on two of those colors.  I love them so much and they really are awesome and complex sparkle/foil/glitter polishes.  So the best way to enhance the sparkle is with more GLITTER!  

Blue sparkle is painted with three coats of Crystal with added glitter from LA Splash in Onyx

Red Sparkle is painted with three coats of Lisa with Ruffian sparkle in Yofi Cosmetics sparkle dust in Skinny Dippin'


  1. I really, really like the blue. Very festive for winter!

  2. I LOVE the 2nd one! I love the colors too!

  3. I'm gonna have to try one of these glitter designs you've done! Maybe it'll be a good mani for leading up to Christmas!


iLove Polish