Thursday, November 18, 2010

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Of course, I have my tickets to the midnight show of this movie.  It really is an awesome series and I am proud to say I have converted (or at least have coerced) my last two friends who haven't read the series to read it.  I needed something simple for this manicure, so I went with Gryffindor colors--gold and maroon and the symbol of the Deathly Hallows.


First I painted two coats of China Glaze Lemon Fizz.  I then marbled (again, without swirling, just letting the concentric circles create lines) with Twenty-Four K and Foxy.  The Deathly Hallow symbol was painted on with Ulta Black Diamond.  I coated once with Seche Vite.


  1. Of course I love it! Your reading for tonight!!!!

  2. My comment made no sense. I meant ready for tonight!!

  3. I like it! Way to be in the spirit for Harry Potter!!!

  4. I don't necessarily get this, but I showed my students and they were SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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