Monday, November 8, 2010

Easy Does It

Short nails call for simple design.  I haven't fully highlighted this color I bought a while back from the China Glaze Vintage Vixen Collection and thought it was a good color for short nails.  I think the pictures capture the microfine golden hue in the brown.  It's very pretty.  

I coated three coats of Ingrid.  I then used a dotting tool and colors in Zoya Sarah and Crystal with Seche Vite as the top coat.


  1. The dots are totally needed on this. They work a treat!

  2. This design is really pretty, you are right it really looks good on short nails=)

  3. I think I might actually try a design like this. It doesn't look too complicated. Where do you get a dotting tool or what would you suggest using?

  4. Sorry not to get back to you about the dotting tool. I got mine at Sally's Beauty Supply. It's a dotter and a nail brush in one, so it's nice for other nail art too.

    Here is the link


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