Monday, October 25, 2010

Whooo Believes in Ghosts?

I don't think I do, but I've never had the opportunity of a haunting.  I guess maybe time will tell on this one.  But I'd love to hear what you think about ghosts (or the paranormal).  I want to believe in vampires (and ghost vamp is my favorite nail), but unfortunately I am boringly grounded in reality.  I love me some fantasy, but I realize that is just what it is--a fantasy!  Tell me about your "Boo" radar.

Right Hand:

Left Hand:

The Friendly Ghost (Casper):

The white ghosts are comprised of two coats China Glaze White on White and one coat Ulta Angel Baby (only because my China Glaze was getting goopy--I need a new bottle).  I used Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure Midnight In NY for the black detail.  One coat of Seche Vite was used to keep those ghosts shining.


  1. Cute was the word I was thinking as well. As to the paranormal. . . I completely believe in it. I believe in spirits, but ghosts like boo, not so much! Vampires and Werewolves stay a complete fantasy in my head!

  2. I Want To Believe.

    The vamp nail is also my fave. Wonder why the ghost next to him is so sad? Maybe he knows he's going to be VampGhost's dinner soon?

  3. Very spooky!! I love them all! Casper is AWESOME!

    As for Paranormal. I believe there are ghosts and spirits. The rest stays fantasy for me!

    Keep the Halloween fun coming!

  4. I like Casper! I have been scared at moments still from watching Paranormal Activity. I had a small obsession growing up with ghosts and LOVED to watch anything having to do with it on TV. Never had a sighting myself. Marty thoroughly does not believe so he doesn't understand my intrigue. I love to be scared!!!

  5. Kari--I also appreciate the ghosts that are surrounding the vampire. One is scared and the other one has a sheepish admiration of the vampire.

  6. I love your Halloween manis the are so cute! Casper is adorable.

  7. CUTE! I lov the expressions of your ghosts!


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