Sunday, October 24, 2010

Gone Batty

I've had a thing for bats since I did a report on them in the third grade; I think they are fantastic.  Plus, living in Minnesota, you have to love all things that can eat their weight in mosquitoes!  And  thanks to bats being the quintessential icon of Halloween, I get to make them the star of a manicure.

For the black base coat color, I used Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure in Midnight in NY.  For the orange I first coated with China Glaze Peachy Keen and coated Sun Worshiper on top.  (Sun Worshiper is a very hard neon to work with--very streaky).  For the bats in black, I used Ulta Black Diamond and the bats in orange were first painted in Ulta Angel Baby and then coated in Sun Worshiper and Breakin' for wing shading (and streak cover up).  Seche Vite, one coat, was used to seal the manicure.


  1. hahah these are really cute! I especially like those orange bats :) I think the only time I saw a bat in real life was at the zoo.

  2. I'm always amazed with the level of detail! keep the Halloween themes coming!!!

  3. this is really awesome.. whenever i try to free hand a bats design its always end up looks like a bird..LOL
    love the color...

    ohh pls vote for my halloween nail art entry to vote click here:


  4. This is so cute! I love the colors you used and our bats are adorable.

  5. Sooo adorable! Great detail! I know how frustrating those poolside polishes are to work with!

  6. In Austin, TX there is a bridge famous for their bats. People go there to watch them fly out at night time. I think it's a little bit creepy. But whatever floats your boat!

    Awesome nails. As always.

  7. LOVE IT! I agree....keep the fun halloween themes coming! Great colors and detail.


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